
My workspace is broken

First, make sure that you Engine has stopped generating code and has finished making changes to your app. It may update several times during this process.

If Engine has stopped generating code, try refreshing your workspace page.

If you are still facing problems, try refreshing your development environment by clicking 'refresh' under the messages window.

Recent changes may have caused your app to break. You can try undoing your most recent change.

If the issue remains unresolved, reach out to us for Support.

It didn't do what I asked!

Some complex code generation requests are beyond the scope of what Engine can do.

This is why we give you full access and control over your codebase in GitHub and edit access in your workspace - so you can implement more complex functionality yourself even if Engine can't do it for you.

However, as our models become much more sophisticated, this will be necessary less often.

Until then, you can use the undo function to revert any changes.

Last updated