Assign tickets to Engine
Last updated
Last updated
Engine works by picking up tickets that are assigned to it directly from your workflow tools.
Simply add the tag/label engine to a ticket and Engine will start work immediately.
Here's a simple example in ClickUp.
First, Open a connected project and find a ticket you would like to assign to Engine.
Select the tag button, and add the tag 'engine'. You may have to create this tag if it does not appear.
If your board is shared across multiple connected repos, you should assign the label 'engine-[repo-name]' to identify the repo Engine should apply the ticket to. If this does not work, we may have to complete some manual set up for you.
That's it! Engine will now get to work. You'll see the task appear on the Tasks menu on the Engine app.
When Engine has finished, a link the the pull request will be made on the ticket and the task will appear in the Engine app, under 'Inbox'.